Friday, September 4, 2009


Ok so for a while I'm going to turn the blog towards my new obsession....vampires!

By now you've all read or watch Twilight and True Blood...but there is so much more to vampires than these fictitious creatures we all swoon over. There is so much history on them...vampires ((until proven otherwise)) are a mythical creature, a creature of Satan, a undead creature....Right we all know this but we don't know is the folklore passed down from century to century. ((Just a warning...this is not a book...I will be using pictures and quotes from other people and if I do not get your name right or down at all in the tags for these post I apologize now)) So now we start our historical trip around the world with vampires!

Persia ((modern day Iran))

The Persians were one of the first civilizations thought to have tales of blood-drinking demons: creatures attempting to drink blood from men were depicted on excavated pottery shards.[5] Ancient Babylonia had tales of the mythical Lilitu,[7] synonymous with and giving rise to Lilith (Hebrew לילית) and her daughters the Lilu from Hebrew demonology. Lilitu was considered a demon and was often depicted as subsisting on the blood of babies. However, the Jewish counterparts were said to feast on both men and women, as well as newborns.[7] The legend of Lilith was originally included in some traditional Jewish texts: according to the medieval folk traditions, she was considered to be Adam's first wife before Eve.[8][9] In these texts, Lilith left Adam to become the queen of the demons (she actually refused to be Adam's subordinate and thus was banished from eden by God himself) and, much like the Greek striges, would prey on young babies and their mothers at night, as well as males. Because Hebrew law absolutely forbade the eating of human flesh or the drinking of any type of blood, Lilith's blood drinking was described as exceptionally evil. To ward off attacks from Lilith, parents used to hang amulets from their child's cradle.[9]


So basically this "Lilith" drank babies blood and ate the flesh afterward....which of course is against Hebrew Law and they considered that exceptionally evil. So In my opinion the myth of Lilith was made up to make people more a sense that if they would not adhere to the religious views of their time that they would turn into or be attacked by this creature. I want to hear what all you vampire experts have to say so comment back.

Next week I will explore vampires in Ancient Greece....hopefully it will be a little longer that this one was...but I ran out of time!!

**Friends don't let friends drink friends**

over and out,