If you were stranded on a Deserted Island and only had 3 things ((that could be anything)) what would they be??
We've all been asked the question before...but seriously what would you bring? I mean take for instance Tom Hanks in Cast Away **Yes I know it was movie** but what happened if that were to happen to you ((minus the freak plane accident))? I mean like seriously....would you bring your collection of commemorative stamps from the early 20th century??? What the hell would you do with that? Sit and look at them for hours? I think not....
So I've decided to write today's blog about what 3 things I would personally bring ((and I know my last one is a little off the beaten track...but i did say anything)) !! **Hold on to your seats kids**
::: NUMBER 1 :::
I would bring my books....and I would probably go get a few more books....that I've been dying to read too ((since I knew I was going to be stranded for God knows how long))....I have a wild and vivid imagination and I know I would get completely bored sitting there sunning every day!!
::: NUMBER 2 :::

The Perfect Deserted Island Survival kit! Of course it would be equipped with the essentials **lighter, knife, compass, cooking pan, medical kit, etc etc etc*** but I would further mine and put a tent, flash light, and fishing gear in there too!! That takes care of food and shelter!! ((Oh yeah and probably some spices and a water jug and some extra batteries))

A man....**preferably Gerard Butler**. I know I know what your thinking girls...but I will be the first to admit that I would get lonely...among other things **wink wink** And a man would be the perfect accessory to help with putting the shelter up, fishing and all the other "manly" things....because I would much rather sit, sun bathe and watch some fine ass man ((and his budging muscles)) do all the work **Only in a perfect world***
So this concludes my list!! I wonder what are your three things would be??
**Feel free to comment**
** Oh the things I would do to you Gerard Butler**
We've all been asked the question before...but seriously what would you bring? I mean take for instance Tom Hanks in Cast Away **Yes I know it was movie** but what happened if that were to happen to you ((minus the freak plane accident))? I mean like seriously....would you bring your collection of commemorative stamps from the early 20th century??? What the hell would you do with that? Sit and look at them for hours? I think not....
So I've decided to write today's blog about what 3 things I would personally bring ((and I know my last one is a little off the beaten track...but i did say anything)) !! **Hold on to your seats kids**
::: NUMBER 1 :::
::: NUMBER 2 :::
The Perfect Deserted Island Survival kit! Of course it would be equipped with the essentials **lighter, knife, compass, cooking pan, medical kit, etc etc etc*** but I would further mine and put a tent, flash light, and fishing gear in there too!! That takes care of food and shelter!! ((Oh yeah and probably some spices and a water jug and some extra batteries))
::: Number 3 :::
A man....**preferably Gerard Butler**. I know I know what your thinking girls...but I will be the first to admit that I would get lonely...among other things **wink wink** And a man would be the perfect accessory to help with putting the shelter up, fishing and all the other "manly" things....because I would much rather sit, sun bathe and watch some fine ass man ((and his budging muscles)) do all the work **Only in a perfect world***
So this concludes my list!! I wonder what are your three things would be??
**Feel free to comment**
** Oh the things I would do to you Gerard Butler**
over and out,
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