Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Takin' It Back to the Old Skool....

Hope everyone had a wonderful labor day weekend!

Ok so next up on our vampire history trip; I'm taking ya'll back to the days of Socrates and Plato...Ancient of my favorite studies!!

"In part, art completes what nature cannot elaborate; and in part it imitates nature."--Aristotle

Ancient Greece::

The "tragic" ((because it wouldn't be Greek mythology with out a little tragedy)) story goes something like this...

Lamia the daughter of King Belus ((King of Egypt; son of Posiden and Lybia)) had a love affair with the god Zeus...of course we all know about Zeus's sordid love affairs...and Hera ((the jealous wife t
hat she was)) found out and got pissed and cursed Lamia and turned her into a monster, killed her offspring, and made it to where she could never close her eyes and be plagued of all the images of her dead offspring...remind me never to have a love affair with a, already taken, Greek god. Like all good Greek stories Lamia sought vengeance and preyed upon sleeping children in there beds by sucking there blood ((gross)). It goes on to explain why children...saying Lamia was envious of other mothers and therefore got back by going after their children. Mothers would hang amulets from their children's necks to protect them ((Yay! Finally something about the protection and warding off of vampires!)) It was also said that Lamia also feasted on blood by transforming into a beautiful young woman who seduced young men into sleeping with her before she sucked their blood.

There was also another tale from the Greeks of a women named Empusa. Empusa the demi-goddess was a product of the union of the goddess Hectate and the spirit Mormo. It was said that she could also turn into a beautiful maiden and seduce young men....and then of course devour their blood.

Empusa stayed with Greek mythology a little longer...we find out that she was reduced to the role of a speices of Hectatean demon called empuse. The empuse's were charged, by Hectate, to guard the roads and devour travelers. Now they are simply reffered as shape shifting hobgoblins sent to pester the Greek sheperds.

So if we take a look back at the last post we see that both of these creatures Lilith and Lamia ((both L's)) prey upon the innocent children/babies. In my opinion I think that these myths were made up maybe to explain some disease or plague that killed children. Once again...just my opinion...would like to hear from any other vampire experts!!!

Well stay tuned for the next blog....where will look into the myths of vampires in India....should be a good one!

over and out,


Friday, September 4, 2009


Ok so for a while I'm going to turn the blog towards my new obsession....vampires!

By now you've all read or watch Twilight and True Blood...but there is so much more to vampires than these fictitious creatures we all swoon over. There is so much history on them...vampires ((until proven otherwise)) are a mythical creature, a creature of Satan, a undead creature....Right we all know this but we don't know is the folklore passed down from century to century. ((Just a warning...this is not a book...I will be using pictures and quotes from other people and if I do not get your name right or down at all in the tags for these post I apologize now)) So now we start our historical trip around the world with vampires!

Persia ((modern day Iran))

The Persians were one of the first civilizations thought to have tales of blood-drinking demons: creatures attempting to drink blood from men were depicted on excavated pottery shards.[5] Ancient Babylonia had tales of the mythical Lilitu,[7] synonymous with and giving rise to Lilith (Hebrew לילית) and her daughters the Lilu from Hebrew demonology. Lilitu was considered a demon and was often depicted as subsisting on the blood of babies. However, the Jewish counterparts were said to feast on both men and women, as well as newborns.[7] The legend of Lilith was originally included in some traditional Jewish texts: according to the medieval folk traditions, she was considered to be Adam's first wife before Eve.[8][9] In these texts, Lilith left Adam to become the queen of the demons (she actually refused to be Adam's subordinate and thus was banished from eden by God himself) and, much like the Greek striges, would prey on young babies and their mothers at night, as well as males. Because Hebrew law absolutely forbade the eating of human flesh or the drinking of any type of blood, Lilith's blood drinking was described as exceptionally evil. To ward off attacks from Lilith, parents used to hang amulets from their child's cradle.[9]


So basically this "Lilith" drank babies blood and ate the flesh afterward....which of course is against Hebrew Law and they considered that exceptionally evil. So In my opinion the myth of Lilith was made up to make people more a sense that if they would not adhere to the religious views of their time that they would turn into or be attacked by this creature. I want to hear what all you vampire experts have to say so comment back.

Next week I will explore vampires in Ancient Greece....hopefully it will be a little longer that this one was...but I ran out of time!!

**Friends don't let friends drink friends**

over and out,

Thursday, July 30, 2009

True Blood

Why can't vampires be real and hbo free?

And why can't all vampires look and act like Bill Compton?

**Sex on a Stick**

As much as I am a Twilight fan....and probably will get hell for this next comment....I would take Bill Compton over Edward Cullen any day of the week!!


Friday, May 15, 2009

Alone on a Deserted Island...

If you were stranded on a Deserted Island and only had 3 things ((that could be anything)) what would they be??

We've all been asked the question before...but seriously what would you bring? I mean take for instance Tom Hanks in Cast Away **Yes I know it was movie** but what happened if that were to happen to you ((minus the freak plane accident))? I mean like seriously....would you bring your collection of commemorative stamps from the early 20th century??? What the hell would you do with that? Sit and look at them for hours? I think not....
So I've decided to write today's blog about what 3 things I would personally bring ((and I know my last one is a little off the beaten track...but i did say anything)) !! **Hold on to your seats kids**

::: NUMBER 1 :::

I would bring my books....and I would probably go get a few more books....that I've been dying to read too ((since I knew I was going to be stranded for God knows how long))....I have a wild and vivid imagination and I know I would get completely bored sitting there sunning every day!!

::: NUMBER 2 :::

The Perfect Deserted Island Survival kit! Of course it would be equipped with the essentials **lighter, knife, compass, cooking pan, medical kit, etc etc etc*** but I would further mine and put a tent, flash light, and fishing gear in there too!! That takes care of food and shelter!! ((Oh yeah and probably some spices and a water jug and some extra batteries))

::: Number 3 :::

A man....**preferably Gerard Butler**. I know I know what your thinking girls...but I will be the first to admit that I would get lonely...among other things **wink wink** And a man would be the perfect accessory to help with putting the shelter up, fishing and all the other "manly" things....because I would much rather sit, sun bathe and watch some fine ass man ((and his budging muscles)) do all the work **Only in a perfect world***

So this concludes my list!! I wonder what are your three things would be??
**Feel free to comment**

** Oh the things I would do to you Gerard Butler**

over and out,

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Five of My PERSONAL Guilty Pleasures......

So this interesting blog idea popped into my head because me and my friend were talking about me being lactose intolerant and not being about to eat ice cream with cake....HA! So enjoy your unique look into my personality....

OK so first we will start off with the most obvious ((this would be for anyone)) FOOD! So I choose to start off my list with Cheesecake. I could eat a slice of cheesecake every day of my life....but I would feel **guilty** ((or fat)) because 582.09 calories per serving....but I would still eat it every day if I could....**no like seriously**

Second....Making fun of people who wear stuff that makes you want to say... "No what in the hell were you thinking?" I mean seriously come on people... I will be the first to admit that it is usually girls who make the "bad wardrobe decisions" Take for instance this girl in the picture... Your first reaction was WHAT THE DEUCE.... **don't lie....liars are bad** but come on!!! Who wears a RED beanie with a GREEN & GREY strip shirt a PEACH skirt and BROWN cowboy boots.....yeah some one needs to put her on the What NOT to wear!!!

Third....filling out online on facebook and myspace...I know people don't read that crap ((and they probably don't read this blog either))...but its fun and time consuming for me....and yes I do read other people's quizzes because if they are going to put it out there...then I want to know!!

Fourth.....Fake finger nails....they cost so much...and they are flammable and they hurt ((like HELL)) when they break off....but I still LOVE to get them...they make me feel more feminine...I know that stupid...**to each their own**

And for my final guilty pleasure ((its a long one so don't hold your breath)).... Going to a concert on a work night and getting totally plastered and then having to **try** to function at work then next day....I don't really need to explain this one i guess.......

So now you know a little bit more about this wonderful girl who's crazy blogs you read every day!


--over and out--

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What is it with Texans and their pride?? was brought my attention to day by a fellow blogger **random shout out to Musecatto ((from The RGC....great blog you should check it out))** that we Texan's are what is the word....oh yeah full of PRIDE....And I guess why shouldn't we be"??? After all we are the biggest state....and we have the most beautiful women **listen to the David Allen Coe song "Texas Women" and it is true...the end** here is my random list of why I think Texas is the best state and that entitles us Texan's to all our pride......

First....we are known mostly for being "cowboys" and "cowgirls"....this may help explain a little of it.. The King Ranch ((which coincidentally has a truck named after it)) in Texas is bigger than the state of Rhode not many states can say that ((actually I really don't know if any other states can say that))....but I think that's where the stereotypical "cowboy/cowgirl" thing comes a sense....but more importantly it contributes greatly to the Texas Pride Factor

Second....We own guns and we hunt....why?? Texas boasts the nation's largest heard of whitetail deer....and because its what we were raised to if something like...aliens attacked....or zombies were running ramped....or robots took over....then at least we'd be able to survive...**listen to David Allen Coe "A Country Boy Can Survive" ((a Texan's theme song))**

Third....Of course I have to give a shout out to my beautiful city **Austin** ....Austin is considered the live music capital of the world...Austin has TONS of live music venues and most of them are FREE!!! I remember when I was in college I went to a coffee shop off Guadalupe and would pick the free concert posters off the wall and see a free show EVERY NIGHT OF THE WEEK!! Living in Texas and knowing you can see just about ANYONE in concert is just an awesome concept to me ((a lover of live music))...and it also adds to the Texas Pride Factor

Fourth.... The first word spoken from the moon on July 20, 1969 was Houston....That's just bad a$$.

Fifth.... Texas includes 267,339 square miles, or 7.4% of the nation's total in all actuality...those shirts that say **Everything's bigger and better in ___((enter you state here))** are lying....cuz Texas is Bigger and Better.....

Sixth....Chuck Norris lives here.

And Last but MOST CERTAINLY not least....Texas was an independent nation from 1836 to 1845 ...and we are also the ONLY state that can legally secede from the Nation....**enough said**

These are just some of the things that I personally think is why Texan's Have A LOT ((probably an understatement)) of pride. But we also have BIG hearts and yes...while driving down the road...Texan's do tend to wave **we aren't crazy...we are awesome**

**God bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong,
That you may grow in power and worth, throughout the ages long**

over and out,

Friday, May 8, 2009

Online Dating

Is it always a friend of a friend that has a friend that found true, ever lasting love on the internet? Well that's a load of crap!!

I've tried the whole internet dating thing...doesn't work. It's to easy for people to lie. Almost too easy! I've been on a few dates and here's how they went...

The first guy completely LIED about his height. I am a very tall woman...5'9" ((and that pushing it))! He had to be less that 5'6"! But I didn't judge right away...because that not my style. So we went on a few dates and later found out he had a kid! Which is fine...but what the deuce!!! Why didn't you tell me about it sooner!! **Moving Along**

Date number 2...Yeah didn't even look like his picture! I was totally attracted to him!! We talked on the phone for 2 weeks before we met just because I'm not going to go run out to meet a guy off the internet without knowing ANYTHING about them! We even stayed up ALL NIGHT one night! And then we I think I'm going to leave it there **NEXT!!**

Date number 3...HAHAHA...this one made me laugh all the way are you serious? We met at Trudy's ((restaurant in Austin, TX)) and had cocktails....and he made me very uncomfortable...but he was the first guy that looked like his picture...yeah and then we weren't clicking I decided to end the date...cuz there was no point if we didn't have anything to talk about right? So yeah he walked me to my truck and I was like truthful with him and he said ((and I quote)) "Do you wanna have sex?" ARE YOU f***ING KIDDING ME!! I shut my door and drove off. **Last Date**

ANd the last guy I I thought I hit the nail on the head. He was cute, proffesional and eclectic ((and a great kisser)). We went on a series of dates...and then we explored other options...ya know **wink wink**...and then....................I NEVER heard from him again...that was it...and we hit it off!! He even said we hit it off!! What the duece man!

So I've given up on online dating. Doesn't mean I haven't looked...but I mean seriously it's not worth it!

That is my advice to dating is WAY over rated...don't try it...the will set your self up for failure everytime! Guys are slime already right??((well most of them but not all of them))...Just slow down...take a long look at your life...make sure your happy...find a hobby!! And love will find you!! But you WON'T find it on the internet...I can promise you that!

over and out,

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Amazing Facts...

  • When placed in warm milk, raisins re-plump into grapes.
  • The metal backs of iPods are made from recycled zippers.
  • Eskimos don’t believe in bridges or tunnels.
  • Every sixteen minutes, someone named Richard dies.
  • Billy Bob Thornton’s grandfather was the first person to own a television.
  • Dolphins kill more people annually than sharks and influenza combined.

  • On a dare, former President Rutherford B. Hayes declared war on Chile for 17 minutes.
  • The original title for Catcher in the Rye was Hey, Look, a Carousel!
  • Professionals call the top socket on an electrical outlet the “Martha,” and the bottom socket the “Jasmine.”
  • In the archives at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C., there are two identical snowflakes preserved in a freezer.
  • Three out of every ten nickels has been in someone’s mouth.
  • If you hold one nostril closed for 72 hours, you will slowly lose the ability to see color. (Your sight will instantly return to normal when you release your nostril.)
  • Wave a magnet at the lower left corner of a vending machine to receive a free soda.
  • The glossy paper from the backs of stickers can be used to soothe sunburn.
  • To be a train conductor, you have to cut off one of your own toes during a loyalty ritual.
  • The Z in Jay-Z’s name stands for “Zeppidemus.”
  • Jean shorts were invented three weeks prior to the invention of regular jeans.
  • Whispering instead of talking on cell phones saves significant battery power.
  • In Austria, the traditional Christmas colors are not red and greed, but purple and clear.
  • Benjamin Franklin coined the phrase “Baby Mama” in a satirical poem published in Poor Richard’s Almanac.
  • If you take the first letter of each word in the Monopoly board game instruction manual, they spell out an X-rated sentence.
  • The original name for the laptop computer was “Hinged Smart Slab.”
  • The average person inhales 3 pounds of spider webs in his or her lifetime.
  • When first introduced to the public, plastic laundry baskets cost $75 each.
  • Winnie the Pooh started out as a non-fiction account of mental illness.
  • Reading backwards for twenty minutes burns the same amount of calories as walking a half-mile.
  • The Q in Q-tips stands for “quantum,” as the small bit of cotton on the tip contains more atoms than the entire human body.
  • Revolving doors were first invented as a way to keep horses out of department stores.
  • Peru and the moon weigh the same amount.
  • Human beings and anteaters are the only animals that can snap their fingers.
  • If you soak a baseball hat in coke, and then let it dry on someone’s head, over a 3-hour period the hat will shrink with skull-denting force, causing intense pain and irreparable damage.
  • Clouds cannot travel south southwest.
  • In sign language, there are 72 ways to say “drawbridge.”

**Product of Leah's Boredum**

over and out,

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Inspirational Thoughts....

over and out,
-- Leah

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Eli Young Band....

To add another gem to my perfect day so far.....Eli Young Band will be playing tonight at Graham's Central Stations!! WOOHOO!!

**Awww James & John**

**Fine ass Mike Eli**

**My favorite band member Chris Thompson**

So I can't wait for tonight! It's going to be a great show...I can feel it in my bones!!!

over and out,

Trying to compose myself and contain my excitement at work.... by now everyone knows that I'm in love with Randy Rogers band....and my birthday is on a Wednesday (july 1st) this year and Hill's Cafe puts on a free concert every wednesday night! So I've been watching both Hill's cafe's schedule and Randy's schedule to see if he will be there on my birthday...when I was having no luck in getting answer I decided to email Bob Cole (of the bucky and bob show on KVET radio) and I got a response! I'm not going to say what it is because I don't have loose lips but its very very very very exciting! So this is my subtle tribute to Bob and Hill's Cafe!



Bob and Hill's rock my world!

over and out,

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day!

So today is Earth Day....I don't think I've ever been more excited for an Earth Day ((probably because I work for a Solar company and I live in Austin, Texas)). You can feel the buzz from talk of recycling, renewable energy and crazy hippies smoking the ganja. Anyways....Our company has a booth set up right outside Whole Foods Off 6th and Lamar in Austin, Tx and Sara is giving away free re-usable shopping bags! Come learn about solar and get a free bag....what can it hurt?!!

((Sara at the Meridian Booth))

((Me and Sara at the Booth))

((The masses come out to celebrate Earth Day at Whole Foods))


over and out,


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This is Why I left South East Texas.....

**Enough Said**

((Photo Courtesy of Kyle Baur))

over and out,


Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Why is Gerard Butler so fine....?


over and out,


Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Yay for the KVET free music concert series and Yay for the Hill's Cafe that puts it on!!!! **EXCITEMENT**

Everyone in austin needs to come see my man.....Roger Creager!

over and out,

yyyyeeeaaahhhh...... yeppers... yes ma'am. damn....

claire likey.

this gun is ameriforge. i am amazing. claire.

OK so yeah.... if being sick wasn't enough I'm still sick actually a little worse i think and working which totally blows but i was gonna make it until the unimaginable happened.... the peas in my cup-o-noodles didn't cook and they are crunchy and gross and not even real i think... when will the madness end!?!

now that I'm thinking about it the peas never cook unless the water bubbles over the top into the microwave tray....damnit.

much love,

Monday, April 6, 2009

Your age in other Worlds....

This is pretty cool....yet another find off stumble....I would be 1 if we lived on Jupiter.

over and out,

How Fast Are Your Reactions??

This is pretty funny...and cool found it on Stumble....ya'll should check out the stumble site too they is so really cool and interesting stuff on there!

over and out,

Weekend in Houston with Claire!!

YAY! So I got to spend the weekend in Houston with my bestie!! I left straight from work...and traffic was horrible! Of course....I took pictures! :)

**On the Road Again...**

I got bored along the way....because it is a goodtwo hour drive....and took some diva shots in the truck!!

**I'm ah diva!!**

So when I finally get to Houston....I got to see Claire's new truck...OMG!


I helped her and her parents move into their new fly house!

We went and ate so good mexican food and had Ocean Maragita's!


Claire...having asthma....had an asthma attack because of all the lovely we got to go to the fun...but we did get alot of her wedding planned....hahahaha only joking!!

And then of course we went shopping at Target on Sunday...and I got me a stinking awesome dress...and am very jelly of claire's cute dress she got....but don't worry I will be borrowing it!

**Said you can have whatever you like...**

All and all a great weekend...I miss my Claire Ann so much though....:( But next time I see's birthday weekend!! YAY!

over and out,

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Zombie Drinking Game!

The Zombie Drinking Game

ImageTurn those zombie cliches into irresponsible drinking fun with this easy to play pastime. (Not for under 18's, zombielore accepts no responsibility for resulting liver damage, etc. etc)

What You Will Need:

  • Jug of Beer
  • Bottle of Tequila
  • Bottle of Whiskey
  • Zombie Film
  • Strong Stomach (for hard drinking and gore)

Full glass of each drink in front of each player. Hit play


1. Zombie gets shot: Perfect head shot in the head; zombie drops to the floor
Mouthful of beer

2. Zombie gets shot: Body shot; zombie staggers, but lumbers on
Mouthful of Whiskey

3. Someone is bitten by a zombie - then tries to hide it from the other survivors
Drain one of your glasses

4. Cornered character shoots themselves in the head rather than get eaten by zombies.
Drain one of your glasses, refill it, drain it again

5. Weeping character, mourns the recent death of a loved one. In the background the corpse sits up.
Drain whiskey glass
Drain beer glass as well if events are taking place a

6. Zombie hand bursts out of ground / grave / through barricaded door
Shot of tequila

7. Someone looking at sea of zombies says "what are they?"
Drain someone else's glass

8. Army shows up - and save the day
Finger of whiskey

9. Army shows up - and reveal themselves to be the reason for the outbreak
Two fingers of whiskey

10. Character who previously went missing reappears - as a zombie
Sip of beer

11. Character who previously went missing reappears - alive
Sip of whiskey

12. Character who previously went missing reappears - alive, but gets shot anyway
Sip of beer and sip of whiskey

13. Tom Savini's in it
Drink beer for duration of his scene

::: OM NOM NOM ONOM **hurls**:::

*-*-*Thinks everyone ((21 and olders)) should Try this at least once!*-*-*

over and out,


Boerdom Strikes Twice.

I'm starting a new thing because I get bored...obviously...more often than not at work. So for the first ever boredom sucks balls discussion topic: Recycling: Why don't more people do it?:::

I live in Austin, Tx and we have a wonderful recycling program in our city, but yet I rarely see people recycle. Now I do work for a solar power company and of course all the people I work with are hippies ((but they are awesome)) and tend to be anal about it. But, I just recently moved from Beaumont, Tx ((aka blowmont and the asshole of the world ( or at least Texas)) where no one recycles and everyone litters...and I can still get the concept and have already created the habit of recycling. I mean come on people there is no excuse...cans, bottles, paper and card board...just by simply recycling those products you can help clean up the earth just a little more. Which brings me to another interesting point....excuses...the following are some of the dumbest excuse I've heard for people not recycling:

"I don't know where to even begin"
Open up the phone book people!! Or better yet google it!! All you hafta do is look for recycle :::insert your location how hard was that?

"It doesn't fit into my lifestyle"
Um hello don't hafta live in the country to recycle....or in Austin for that matter...generally small towns and small cities have city or state recycle centers...:::It's uncool to just trash everything...SORT IT OUT:::

"I don't know what to recycle"
Well to start off with....just paper products in general...duh! But also most everything that can be recycled has a nifty little symbol on the product SOMEWHERE!! :::And you've all seen it so don't use the excuse your thinking of next::::::Closing Thoughts:::
You know what's funny about that I'm not a vegetarian, peta supporter, tree huger, etc. ((which by the way aren't all crazy people....except maybe peta...I don't understand them at all))
But if I can do it....You can do it!

So I would like to hear everyone's thoughts and welcome all criticism.


over and out,


Good Morning Fellow Bloggers!!!

So last night after staying up and making my new rap mix tape/cd...I woke up at 6 am and went and got tacos for to work and am already ready to go to Houston to see Claire!!

So before I go...I want to say this too all the Houstonians....



::: Look out Houston I come!:::

over and out,


Thursday, April 2, 2009

So I'm writing a Book.

So I've decided to write a book....well novel...fiction...and this was about 3 months ago. I have started on it and its going good but what I don't get is the whole writer's block thing...or really how you get writer's block. Because honestly I think its just a stupid excuse for writer's to procrastinate. I know I procrastinate so bad but I do have weeks where I am a literary genius....well I think I am!

Anyways so I am writing a book on vampires. Yes vampires but its a little different. Definitely not like Twilight, Ann Rice Novels or the Underworld movies. Nope! This is completely different. The story line comes from my life...which I think is a little cool and different because it's making me use my imagination a lot more than I thought I would....but Also I get to research vampires. Which I've been obsessed with for a little while. So its cool to have a reason to find all this different myths and facts (if you call them that) about them and the stories of them in different cultures around the world.

So I will leave you will a little piece of the preface that I'm still working on....but don't worry I'm way past the preface....I think I've started writing from the end of the book forward instead. Let me know what you think!

::: Enjoy ::

Looking back on the events that took place this year, I find myself a little disoriented. Life flipped upside down when I found out her secret, but it didn’t shake the bond of friendship that held us together. I wondered if I had never met her, what life would have been like at this very moment. Would I have a husband and a child or would I have gone back to school? I couldn’t bring myself to be unhappy with my choice. I looked out across the black waters and took in a staggering breathe. Then let my gaze go up the stars and thought of the things that were to come.

over and out,


Extreme Boredom

Check out this website:

My Picks are:

Scratch yourself
(Amusement Potential: 1-3 minutes)
Go ahead, scratch yourself now. Even if nothing itches, go ahead. Doesn't that feel pretty good?

Use your secret mind power
(Amusement Potential: 5-10 minutes)

Pick a passing by and try to use your mind power to command them do something, like drop their bag or knock into someone. The law of averages dictates that sooner or later one of your mind commands will come true, so you can convince yourself that you really have super human powers and waste even more time trying them out.

Try to not think about penguins
(Amusement Potential: 1-5 minutes)
This is especially hard, because by trying too much, you remember what you were trying to avoid thinking of. If you try too little, you end up thinking about penguins anyway.

And last but not least:

Invent a weird twitch
(Amusement Potential: 5-10 minutes)
Adopt a bizarre twitch (e.g. flicking your head irregularly, twitching with eye or busting out sporadic cough noises) and try it out when you go shopping.

::: You wish you could be like me...I knew it! :::

over and out,

Probably the Coolest/Dumbest thing I've seen in while....


::: Transformers Robots in Disguise...YEAH!! :::

ps: I really do <3 Transformers.....

over and out,

Monkey <3's Pigeon

They're an odd couple in every sense but a monkey and a pigeon have become inseparable at an animal sanctuary in China. The 12-week-old macaque - who was abandoned by his mother - was close to death when it was rescued on Neilingding Island, in Goangdong Province.

After being taken to an animal hospital his health began to improve but he seemed spiritless - until he developed a friendship with a white pigeon. The blossoming relationship helped to revive the macaque who has developed a new lease of life, say staff at the sanctuary.

Which brings up my next topic: Now are we going to hafta worry about inter-species mating??*

::: The Migeonkey :::

*Only joking...I actually think it is really sweet....but don't tell anyone I have a soft side....or I might just hafta hunt you down....seriously....I'm not joking

over and out,


Guilty until proven innocent...that's the way to do it right..???

10 Guilty People Who Always Say They Are Innocent....

****interesting article i read today thought you might dig it Sid Vicious is my all-time fav brit punk brat but i still think he was apart of nancy's stabbing...any thoughts???

1) James Earl Ray
First he confessed. Then he didn't. Then he pleaded guilty. Then he didn't. Although he was ultimately convicted of shooting Martin Luther King Jr in April 1968, James Earl Ray spent the rest of his life hinting at conspiracies and trying to withdraw his plea. Despite the fact Ray admitted to his wife that he fired the fatal shot, many backed his efforts for a retrial. In his corner (tragically): the King family who protested his innocence until his death. Comment Central Verdict: Guilty.

2) Osama Bin Laden
Conspiracy theorists have had a field day with the events surrounding 9/11. Bin Laden initially denied responsibility for the World Trade Center attacks but in 2004 stated that he had been in charge of the hijackers. He's continued to do so ever since. But the admission has not deterred the 9/11 Truth Movement. They still, ludicrously, blame the collapsing towers on a controlled demolition ordered by the US government. All the planes we saw were a hologram, of course. Comment Central Verdict: Guilty.

3) Sirhan Sirhan
The assassin of Robert Kennedy shot the presidential candidate on June 5th 1968 at Los Angeles. He was found and disarmed at the scene. During the trial, Sirhan clamed '20 years of malice aforethought.' Later claims that he could not recall the crime fell flat but there are still some who believe he is effectively a Manchurian candidate and that Kennedy was really killed by a second gunman. Notebooks found among his possessions that read 'RFK must die' have not helped his cause. Comment Central Verdict: Guilty.

4) Richard III
Pay £24 and you too can be a member of the Richard III Society, devoted to protesting Richard III's innocence. History suggests that the king placed his nephews in the Tower and later had them murdered. But his defendents blame Shakespeare for villainising Richard in his plays. But Shakespeare had a point. The king refused to speak on the subject or produce the children. The young princes were never seen again. Comment Central Verdict: Guilty.

5) Lee Harvey Oswald
The conspiracy theory to end all conspiracy theories. President Kennedy was shot in Dallas in 1963 and Lee Harvard Oswald was arrested the same day when, in his rush to flee the scene, he killed a policeman. Oswald's own assassination en route to the police station triggered a rush of suspicions. Had he acted alone? Were there additional shots fired from the Grassy Knoll? And what about CIA involvement? The Warren Commission found Oswald the sole culprit. The brilliant Case Closed by Gerald Posner confirms it. Comment Central Verdict: Guilty.

6) James Hanratty
One of the last Brits to be hanged, James Hanratty was accused of the "A6" murder in 1961 following the killing of a motorist and rape and shooting of his companion. The case was dogged by missing statements and limited forensic evidence and death penalty opponents launched a vigorous defence. One small flaw in their argument? Hanratty's last-minute change of alibi from Liverpool to Wales. An exhumation in 2002 ultimately proved his guilt. Comment Central Verdict: Guilty.

7) Dr. Crippen
The American doctor was hanged for the murder of his wife in 1910. His claims that she had returned to America were slightly let down by the discovery of a body in the basement. Crippen fled but was famously arrested after a telegram was sent from his ship. Although some now argue that the remains were not Cora's, our own David Aaronovitch has sworn to eat his hat if Dr. Crippen was innocent. In Crippen's corner: Raymond Chandler (who didn't believe anyone could be stupid enough to dissolve a head in acid and then bury the torso) Comment Central Verdict: Guilty.

8) Jeremy Bamber
In August 1985, three adults and two children were found dead in an Essex farmhouse. The accused was Jeremy Bamber, adopted son of the family. The case against him? Fingerprints on the gun and the fact that he had told a former girlfriend that he wanted to kill his parents. Bamber was sentenced to life but continues to blame his sister, a schizophrenic who had not taken her medication. He has appealed three times. Fighting in his corner, George Galloway. Enough said. Comment Central Verdict: Guilty. getting this on canvas for my birthday yay! happy birthday to me!

9) Sid Vicious
The 'Live fast, die young' message hit home when the star of the Sex Pistols found his girlfriend Nancy Spungen stabbed to death on their bathroom floor. Arrested for the crime, Vicious attempted suicide in jail and later died of a heroin overdose while on bail. Devotees refuse to accept his involvement, blaming two drug dealers who were in the apartment that evening. Despite the best attempts of the song "Sid Vicious was Innocent," most believe the drug-addled musician was involved. Comment Central Verdict: Guilty.

10) Marinus van der Lubbe
In February 1933, the Reichstag building went up in flames, sparking off the Nazi's suppression of civil liberties. Van der Lubbe, a Dutch Communist, confessed under torture and was executed a year later. History has fought over him. The verdict was overturned in 1980, reinstated in 1983 and overturned again in 2003. One small problem? Van der Lubbe was seen buying kindling charcoal that very evening. Comment Central Verdict: Guilty.

hope you enjoy!
much love, claire