10 Guilty People Who Always Say They Are Innocent....
****interesting article i read today thought you might dig it Sid Vicious is my all-time fav brit punk brat but i still think he was apart of nancy's stabbing...any thoughts???
James Earl RayFirst he confessed. Then he didn't. Then he pleaded guilty. Then he didn't.
Although he was ultimately convicted of shooting Martin Luther King Jr in April 1968, James Earl Ray spent the rest of his life hinting at conspiracies and trying to withdraw his plea. Despite the fact Ray admitted to his wife that he fired the fatal shot, many backed his efforts for a retrial. In his corner (tragically): the King family who protested his innocence until his death. Comment Central Verdict: Guilty.
Osama Bin LadenConspiracy theorists have had a field day with the events surrounding 9/11. Bin Laden initially denied responsibility for the World Trade Center attacks but in 2004 stated that he had been in charge of the hijackers. He's continued to do so ever since. But the admission has not deterred the 9/11 Truth Movement. They still, ludicrously, blame the collapsing towers on a controlled demolition ordered by the US government. All the planes we saw were a hologram, of course. Comment Central Verdict: Guilty.
Sirhan SirhanThe assassin of Robert Kennedy shot the presidential candidate on June 5th 1968 at Los Angeles. He was found and disarmed at the scene. During the trial, Sirhan clamed '20 years of malice aforethought.' Later claims that he could not recall the crime fell flat but there are still some who believe he is effectively a Manchurian candidate and that Kennedy was really killed by a second gunman. Notebooks found among his possessions that read 'RFK must die' have not helped his cause. Comment Central Verdict: Guilty.
Richard IIIPay £24 and you too can be a member of the Richard III Society, devoted to protesting Richard III's innocence. History suggests that the king placed his nephews in the Tower and later had them murdered. But his defendents blame Shakespeare for villainising Richard in his plays. But Shakespeare had a point. The king refused to speak on the subject or produce the children. The young princes were never seen again. Comment Central Verdict: Guilty.
Lee Harvey OswaldThe conspiracy theory to end all conspiracy theories.
President Kennedy was shot in Dallas in 1963 and Lee Harvard Oswald was arrested the same day when, in his rush to flee the scene, he killed a policeman. Oswald's own assassination en route to the police station triggered a rush of suspicions. Had he acted alone? Were there additional shots fired from the Grassy Knoll? And what about CIA involvement?
The Warren Commission found Oswald the sole culprit.
The brilliant Case Closed by Gerald Posner confirms it. Comment Central Verdict: Guilty.
James HanrattyOne of the last Brits to be hanged, James Hanratty was accused of the "A6" murder in 1961 following the killing of a motorist and rape and shooting of his companion. The case was dogged by missing statements and limited forensic evidence and death penalty opponents launched a vigorous defence. One small flaw in their argument?
Hanratty's last-minute change of alibi from Liverpool to Wales. An exhumation in 2002 ultimately proved his guilt. Comment Central Verdict: Guilty.
Dr. CrippenThe American doctor was hanged for the murder of his wife in 1910. His claims that she had returned to America were slightly let down by the discovery of a body in the basement. Crippen fled but was famously arrested after a telegram was sent from his ship. Although some now argue that the remains were not Cora's, our own
David Aaronovitch has sworn to eat his hat if Dr. Crippen was innocent. In Crippen's corner: Raymond Chandler (who didn't believe anyone could be stupid enough to dissolve a head in acid and then bury the torso) Comment Central Verdict: Guilty.
Jeremy BamberIn August 1985, three adults and two children were found dead in an Essex farmhouse. The accused was Jeremy Bamber, adopted son of the family. The case against him? Fingerprints on the gun and the fact that he had told a former girlfriend that he wanted to kill his parents. Bamber was sentenced to life but continues to
blame his sister, a schizophrenic who had not taken her medication. He has appealed three times. Fighting in his corner, George Galloway. Enough said. Comment Central Verdict: Guilty.
btw...im getting this on canvas for my birthday yay! happy birthday to me!

Sid ViciousThe 'Live fast, die young' message hit home when the star of the Sex Pistols found his girlfriend Nancy Spungen stabbed to death on their bathroom floor. Arrested for the crime,
Vicious attempted suicide in jail and later died of a heroin overdose while on bail. Devotees refuse to accept his involvement, blaming two drug dealers who were in the apartment that evening. Despite the best attempts of the song "Sid Vicious was Innocent," most believe the drug-addled musician was involved. Comment Central Verdict: Guilty.
Marinus van der LubbeIn February 1933, the Reichstag building went up in flames, sparking off the Nazi's suppression of civil liberties.
Van der Lubbe, a Dutch Communist, confessed under torture and was executed a year later. History has fought over him. The verdict was overturned in 1980, reinstated in 1983 and overturned again in 2003. One small problem? Van der Lubbe was seen buying kindling charcoal that very evening. Comment Central Verdict: Guilty.
hope you enjoy!
much love, claire